Apr 21, 2022 — Play Metrics, Featured
Your Play Metrics Snapshot grace period has been extended.
Apr 21, 2022 — Play Metrics, Featured
Your Play Metrics Snapshot grace period has been extended.
We are extending the WPN play metric snapshot grace period to February 18, 2023, in all regions except for Latin America, where the grace period has been extended to May 23, 2023. Until the end of the grace period, promo and product allocations will be based on live metrics or the Q1 2020 metric snapshot, whichever is higher.
After that date, only live metrics will be used pending further updates. This means that you will be able to use your snapshot until the first Prerelease of 2023, when live metrics will take over.
The metrics grace period allows WPN members to grow their allocations in regions where events can be run safely without penalizing communities that are not yet ready to host face-to-face gatherings.
The most straightforward way to build your metrics back up is through running events, so be sure to schedule through Wizards EventLink and share what you're running with your community, whether they're in-store or remote.
For more information on the status of in-store play and play metrics counting in each region, please review our play status page. If you have any questions, please contact Retail Support.