Sep 25, 2023 — WPN Premium, Play Metrics

WPN Premium Metrics Requirements Explained

Learn more about WPN Premium Play Metrics requirements and the annual metrics check.

Sep 25, 2023 — WPN Premium, Play Metrics

WPN Premium Metrics Requirements Explained

Learn more about WPN Premium Play Metrics requirements and the annual metrics check.

We recently announced that WPN minimum play metrics requirements have returned, and that the snapshot metrics previously used to determine Prerelease allocations will no longer be in effect as of March 1, 2024. Metric requirements for WPN Premium locations and measuring metrics for WPN Premium eligibility works differently, and this page will cover all the details you need to know.

Play Metrics Requirements

There are three components to Play Metrics:

  • Tickets. Tickets are the total number of entries across all your Magic events in a rolling calendar year; all manner of play counts, and one player can count as multiple Tickets across multiple events.
  • Engaged Players. This refers to players who register for your events with their official Wizards Account and have played at your store six or more times in the past rolling calendar year, regardless of format.
  • Activated Players. Primarily used by stores on the Path to WPN Premium, Activated Players are players that register for your events with their official Wizards Account, are in their first year of in-store play, and have joined six events at your store, regardless of format.

The new minimum metrics requirements for WPN Premium stores are as follows:

  • Tickets: 1500
  • Engaged Players: 30
  • Activated Players: 10

These metrics requirements roughly translate to reporting around 29 Tickets per week in Wizards EventLink, on average. All Magic events reported through Wizards EventLink, including Webcam and At-Home events, will count towards play metrics. Plus, fan-favorite Commander and Modern format events will count toward your Engaged Player count, so you can still cater to your community's preferred formats while meeting your metrics requirements.

Annual Play Metrics Check

For WPN Premium stores, we will run a check once annually to capture your store's play metrics and ensure you are meeting the minimum requirements to maintain your WPN Premium designation.

Our first WPN Premium metrics check will take place in October 2024, giving current WPN Premium locations just over a year to work toward these metrics requirements. The exact timing of each year's WPN Premium metrics check may shift to ensure your store has the greatest opportunity to capture play from the closest Prerelease date.

If your store achieves a WPN Premium designation but has been in the WPN for less than one year, you will be omitted from your first metrics check to allow your store a fair opportunity to achieve the metrics requirements.

Tips to Grow Play Metrics

There are a few strategies you can use to help improve your overall Play Metrics:

Make sure you're reporting your events in Wizards EventLink. Without EventLink, your Play Metrics will not be accurately captured. Use it to report all play, from official events on your calendar to casual play you see in your space.

Encourage players to sign up for events with their individual Wizards Accounts using the Magic: The Gathering Companion App. It streamlines the process for both you and them, and over time helps grow repeat play: your Engaged Players.

Advertise your events as much as you can across all your social media platforms—whether you're posting on Twitter, Facebook, or keeping your community updated via Discord, sharing your event schedule often helps build your audience, extending your reach to entice new players to visit your store.

As always, if you need additional help or advice to boost play happening in your store, you're always welcome to reach out to your Development Specialist. They're here to help you make your store the best it can be and act as a resource for you when you have questions.

To schedule an appointment, visit the AskWPN website, select submit a request, and then choose "Schedule an Appointment with your Development Specialist" from the drop-down menu.

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