Aug 21, 2021 — Midnight Hunt, Marketing Kit

Your Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Marketing Kits Are Shipping!

Posters, promo packs, player surveys, and more! Take advantage of these materials to get customers excited for this spooky set.

Aug 21, 2021 — Midnight Hunt, Marketing Kit

Your Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Marketing Kits Are Shipping!

Posters, promo packs, player surveys, and more! Take advantage of these materials to get customers excited for this spooky set.

All treats, no tricks! Innistrad: Midnight Hunt marketing kits will begin arriving in stores later this month. Make the most of these materials to showcase the set and boost sales for Prerelease on September 17. Here’s a rundown of what’s coming where and when.

All dates are estimated beginning delivery dates. You may receive these materials later than the indicated date.

All WPN Stores: MID Set Poster

  • North America and LATAM: August 23

  • All other regions: September 13

Beware of creatures that lurk in the shadows! All WPN stores will receive this poster that features werewolves howling at the moon. It’ll certainly give your customers chills as they enter your store seeking a twisted Harvesttide story.

Buy-a-Box & Promo Packs

  • All regions: September 13

As a reminder, all WPN stores will receive about 25% more Buy-a-Box promos than your Prerelease Early Sales Promotion allocation. We suggest using these cards to encourage full box sales after Prerelease and keep building customer excitement for in-store shopping.

And in case you missed it, your total allocation of Promo Packs is intended to be used for the entirety of both Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Innistrad: Crimson Vow seasons. Distribute accordingly!

We’ll be rolling out additional exciting promos to share soon for VOW, so stay tuned for more details next month.

Welcome Boosters & Bring-a-Friend Promos

  • All regions: September 13

Welcome Boosters and Bring-a-Friend promos are back! Get customers excited and amplify the set by handing these out during Prerelease and beyond.

New players should be provided with a Welcome Booster to introduce them to the many ways to play Magic. Existing players that bring in a new player or go out of their way to teach or mentor will earn a Mind Stone promo.

Please note that Welcome Boosters in Europe and Latin America will be arriving later than expected, as will Promo Boosters in Latin America. We’ll send an email to affected stores with updated information soon.

WPN Premium: Secret Lair Drops, Organizational Materials, and Commander Party Must-Haves

  • Premium Kits for all regions: September 24

All WPN Premium stores can expect select Secret Lair drops to use however you wish, including: Culture Shocks: Bant, Culture Shocks: Esper, Culture Shocks: Grixis, Culture Shocks: Jund, Culture Shocks: Naya, Showcase: Strixhaven; The Full-Text Lands Foil Edition, and Our Show Is on Friday, Can You Make It?

WPN Premium stores will also receive one of the following organizational or storage items, while supplies last.

  • WPN Premium Magic Binders Set

  • WPN Premium Magic Storage Long Box Sets

  • WPN Premium Wood Land Stations Set

  • WPN Premium Magic Metal Gravity Feed Booster Dispenser

  • Commander Party Kits for U.S., Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific: October 21

For Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, we’re introducing a new way to attract new players and keep them engaged with the debut of Commander Parties. Reach Premium by September 24 to host these exclusive, one-day events.

WPN Premium stores will be the first to try out this new immersive event, which will be kicking off in October—just in time for Halloween!

WPN Premium stores should be on the lookout for some fun seasonal items in your kit to help keep the party going—and stay on the lookout for details about Commander Parties coming soon.

Magic Customer Survey Flyers

  • Expected delivery: August 23

WPN stores in North America are also receiving a packet of flyers that advertise a Magic survey.

What’s the deal? We’re interested in learning more about the experience of Magic customers who shop at your store but don’t typically take part in your events. There is no promotion tied to this survey.

Our goal is simply to better understand how to continue to grow this incredible game. Of course, we also welcome feedback from any of your players or customers! Run out of flyers? No problem. You can share the link to the survey on social media.

Take advantage of all the treats in your kits to get your store and your customers amped for a wicked Prerelease—and use EventLink to stack that event calendar before the full moon.

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