May 20, 2021 — Modern Horizons 2, Events
Everything you need to know for planning Modern Horizons 2.
May 20, 2021 — Modern Horizons 2, Events
Everything you need to know for planning Modern Horizons 2.
Scheduling is now open for Modern Horizons 2, with more of what Modern, Commander, and Legacy players loved from Modern Horizons: more powerful cards, more throwbacks, and more mechanics!
Here are all the important dates for Modern Horizons 2 and what you need to know when you schedule Prerelease—scheduling is now open, so schedule your Modern Horizons 2 Prerelease now!
Scheduling Opens: March 8 (now open!)
Wizards Event Reporter Decommission: March 23
Distributor Selection Deadline: March 26
WPN Premium Deadline: March 26
Marketing Kits Delivered (North America and Latin America): May 3
Digital Marketing Assets Available: May 6
Promo Cards Delivered: May 28–June 2
Marketing Kits Delivered (Europe, Japan, and Asia-Pacific): May 28–June 2
Prerelease: June 11–June 17
Release: June 18
Loads of WPN Premium benefits are in the works for 2021—all based on your responses to our "WPN Premium in 2021" survey. We're kicking off the year with a popular benefit request: increased product allocations.
Reach Premium by March 26 to receive an increased allocation of Prerelease Early Sale Promotion product for Modern Horizons 2—more detail on those products below.
Reaching Premium by the deadline also means you'll also be able to sell Modern Horizons 2 Collector Booster displays during Prerelease week—talk to your Retail Development Specialist about Premium today to start working towards these benefits.
Modern Horizons 2 will have Prerelease Packs—a first for a non-Standard set!
Your Prerelease allocation is based on a reduced percentage of past Prerelease attendance at KHM, ZNR, or THB—whichever is highest.
Players may use the Participation Promo included in their Prerelease Pack in their Sealed pool, just like they can for Standard Prereleases.
With in-store play temporarily suspended in many regions, most stores will only find At-Home and Webcam Prerelease available in EventLink. To help accommodate players' schedules, they're available all week starting at 3PM on Friday, June 11.
That same date and time apply to regions where in-store play is available, and organizers can limit the number of people in their store at any given time by scheduling as many events as they need.
Retailers in all regions can choose to host online events through EventLink, even if in-store play is available in your region.
SpellTable beta is available for Webcam Prereleases. In case you missed it, SpellTable beta is the first website designed and built solely for playing paper Magic remotely, and it's a great tool for runni ng any Webcam events.
You can sell the Prerelease Early Sale Promotion products listed below and Prerelease Packs for the entire week of Prerelease, from when your store opens on June 11 through June 17. Individual packs from any leftover early sale boxes can be sold on or after the set release day.
You may continue shipping Prerelease Early Sale products with an expected delivery date of Prerelease, June 11.
The Prerelease Early Sale Promotion product varies by region:
North America: Set Boosters
Brazil: Draft Boosters
Latin America (Excluding Brazil): English Set Boosters
Korea & Taiwan: Draft Boosters
Asia Pacific (Excluding Korea and Taiwan): Set Boosters
Japan: Set Boosters
Europe (German, English, or French): Set Boosters
Europe (Spanish, Russian, or Italian): Half Draft Boosters and Half English Set Boosters
All Prerelease Early Sale Promotion products are in the local language unless stated otherwise.
Expect a smaller allocation of Prerelease Early Sale Promotion boxes than you would see for a Standard set. WPN Premium members will receive an increased allocation.
Please note that your allocation of Prerelease Early Sale Promotion boxes for Modern Horizons 2 is also for event prizing.
Provide one Buy-a-Box Promo for the sale of each:
Your allocation of Buy-a-Box Promos will be more than your allocation of Prerelease Early Sale Promotion boxes—continue to use your Buy-a-Box Promos for sales of the above products after Prerelease has ended.