Apr 19, 2017 — Social Media

Get Featured on Magic Social Media!

Share your Amonkhet Prerelease and Magic Open House events, and your store may be featured in front of Magic fans worldwide!

Apr 19, 2017 — Social Media

Get Featured on Magic Social Media!

Share your Amonkhet Prerelease and Magic Open House events, and your store may be featured in front of Magic fans worldwide!

We're looking to feature stores in our Magic social media channels!

Simply submit photos and stories of your Amonkhet Prerelease or Magic Open House events to WPNStories@wizards.com or post them to our regional WPN Facebook groups (not available in all regions).

If you're not yet a member, request to join for access to a great resource of other retailers, as well as info and reminders of upcoming events.

We're especially eager to hear about anything special or unique you might have done or that happened at your event, so be sure to either showcase this in your photos or include this information alongside your submissions!

We'll feature a selection of the photos and stories we receive on the WPN site and in Magic's social media channels.

By Michael Yichao

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