Mar 27, 2023 — The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™

Product Availability for Prerelease Early Sales Extended

You'll be able to sell the full suite of products in any quantity for The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™ and Wilds of Eldraine.

Mar 27, 2023 — The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™

Product Availability for Prerelease Early Sales Extended

You'll be able to sell the full suite of products in any quantity for The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™ and Wilds of Eldraine.

We are extending our expansion of Prerelease Early Sales product availability through Wilds of Eldraine. This means that for both Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™ and Wilds of Eldraine, you can sell the full suite of products in any quantity, starting right from Prerelease.

In addition, the tabletop release for both The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth and Wilds of Eldraine will precede their respective digital releases.

From single Draft, Set, or Collector Boosters to Bundles and Commander Decks, WPN stores will continue to be the only place customers can get their hands on every product in the set during Prerelease week. Plus, you can buy and sell singles during Prerelease week.

Your allocation for each set will continue to include Prerelease Packs and promotional Prize Support Set Boosters—outside of your allocation, you will be allowed to order as much as you want of every product to support your community.

Please note, the Prerelease Early Sales Promotion may not be extended in Japan for Wilds of Eldraine.

Prerelease Events Start at 12 PM beginning with March of the Machine

We're making one additional small adjustment to Prerelease beginning with the release of March of the Machine—on the first day of Prerelease, structured events using product from the new set must now wait until noon local time. This policy change will remain in place for future sets.

This shift means you may begin running your events three hours earlier, giving players the opportunity to get their hands on the set even sooner than before. You may even consider putting a bit more space between your first Prerelease event of the day and your second if your store runs multiple events throughout the day.

Provision of Prerelease Early Sales product and At-Home Prerelease Packs may begin as soon as you open for the day. On subsequent days during Prerelease week, you may begin your events as soon as your store is open.

Promo Packs Eligible to Support All Play Starting at Prerelease

Starting with March of the Machine and continuing for future seasons, promo pack distribution for the latest set may begin regarding any play happening in-store starting at Prerelease. Promo packs are ideal play incentives, and we encourage you to provide them to players sealed—however, you are also welcome to open them in front of players and provide the cards individually for qualifying applications.

Ways you can use promo packs include the following:

  • Support your Magic: The Gathering events as preregistration incentive, participation incentive, or prizing
  • Reward players who bring a new player or customers to your store (along with Bring-a-Friend promo)
  • Reward players that mentor or teach a new player (along with Bring-a-Friend promo)
  • Reward new players for completing a Magic demo (along with Welcome Booster)
  • Reward Wizards Account or Magic: The Gathering Companion App adoption

You may not use promo packs as sales incentives, to promote other games, or before the official Prerelease of the associated set. We recommend saving your promo packs for events that don't otherwise have promotional or prizing support.

With the extension of this expanded product availability, you should continue to take advantage of the additional sales opportunities available to you at Prerelease. Be sure to check out our product pages and schedule your Prerelease in Wizards EventLink to draw customers to your store for epic events.

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