Apr 8, 2021 — Commander Decks, Challenger Decks

What to Tell Magic Fans About Reduced-Plastic Packaging

Compare old and new reduced-plastic packaging for STX Commander Decks and Challenger Decks 2021.

Apr 8, 2021 — Commander Decks, Challenger Decks

What to Tell Magic Fans About Reduced-Plastic Packaging

Compare old and new reduced-plastic packaging for STX Commander Decks and Challenger Decks 2021.

As part of Wizards of the Coast's plans to phase plastic out of new product packaging, you'll soon see some changes in Magic product packaging.

With this initiative, you can expect less plastic, recyclable cardboard, and smaller, reduced-waste packaging for Magic products going forward. Our packaging goal is to be plastic-free by 2023.

Here's what that looks like right now so you can explain the changes to any curious fans.

Reduced-Plastic Packaging—Strixhaven Commander Decks

You'll notice reduced-plastic packaging improvements with Strixhaven: School of Mages Commander Decks, releasing April 23.

Kaldheim Commander Deck packaging (top) and Strixhaven: School of Mages reduced-plastic Commander Deck packaging (above)

The only plastic found in Strixhaven Commander Decks is the wrap around the cards themselves (we're working on updating that for future sets, too!). The rigid plastic trays have been replaced with corrugated board, and the foil finish does not contain any plastic.

Reduced-Plastic Packaging—Challenger Decks 2021

You may have noticed a change in the packaging for Challenger Decks 2021, too.

Challenger Decks 2020 packaging (top) and Challenger Decks 2021 reduced-plastic packaging (above)

Like the STX Commander Decks, the new packaging is nearly plastic-free, with just a small amount of plastic wrapping the deck.

Packaging for both Challenger Decks 2021 and Strixhaven Commander Decks have new labeling to indicate the recyclability of the materials in the US and Canada, too.

This is just the beginning of our company-wide push to phase out plastic packaging. Your Magic fans are likely to have questions about these changes, so stay tuned—we'll be sharing more information on our updated packaging.

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