Sep 22, 2022 — The Brothers' War

Your Prerelease Just Got Bigger

For The Brothers' War, you can sell a full suite of products for Prerelease Early Sales Promotion.

Sep 22, 2022 — The Brothers' War

Your Prerelease Just Got Bigger

For The Brothers' War, you can sell a full suite of products for Prerelease Early Sales Promotion.

We're making The Brothers' War Prerelease a historic event—WPN stores globally can sell the entire suite of available products for the new set during Prerelease Early Sales in any quantity. This change to the promotion is available exclusively to WPN stores.

In this video, Maria Bartholdi breaks down these changes to the Prerelease Early Sales Promotion and how they affect your store, answering early questions you may have.

That's right: there are no limits to what you can offer in-store during The Brothers' War Prerelease Early Sales. From single Draft, Set, or Collector Boosters to Bundles and Commander Decks, your store is the only place customers can get their hands on every product in the set. Plus, you can buy and sell singles during Prerelease week.

With these changes, your Prerelease allocation will look a bit different. Your allocation for The Brothers' War will include Prerelease Packs and free Prize Support Set Boosters—outside of your allocation, you will be allowed to order as much as you want of every product to support your community.

Buy-a-Box promos will continue to be available to customers who buy a full display of Draft, Set, Collector, or Jumpstart boosters.

Tabletop Release Leads the Way

As if this Prerelease couldn't be any bigger, we're releasing The Brothers' War on tabletop first, before the set releases on Magic: The Gathering Arena. November 11 is the first day your community can get a chance to play The Brothers’ War—only at their local game store.

This is the continuation of a test we started with Streets of New Capenna, and we’ll be trying this again for the following two sets as well—Phyrexia: All Will Be One and March of the Machine.


The digital release for The Brothers' War will take place on November 15, giving you even more time to amplify sales and run events for your community.

Make sure to check out the Events Calendar to help you schedule a full week of epic Prerelease events for The Brothers' War.

Jumpstart Prerelease Free Prize Support Continues

We encourage you to run Jumpstart Prerelease events for newer players, which gives them a quick way to get a taste of the set. Plus, Jumpstart decks can play against Prerelease decks, giving you more flexibility to host casual Prerelease play.Schedule your casual Prerelease play as a Player-List Only event to separate Jumpstart Prerelease play and report players separately in Wizards EventLink.

Be sure you continue to report Jumpstart Prerelease for The Brothers' War separately from your traditional Prerelease, as your free Prize Support Set Booster allocation will increase based on additional attendance you draw for this event.

Draft Events Available to Run at Prerelease

You read that right—in addition to having the full product suite available for sale, you'll have the opportunity to run Booster Draft events during Prerelease week alongside your usual Prerelease events. If you choose to run Draft events during Prerelease, we encourage you to do so strategically—Draft events naturally tend to attract more experienced players.

For returning players who love Prerelease, you should still deliver their favorite event. It will be your experienced players who are most eager to draft, so consider ways to encourage repeat Draft play! You may use a loyalty program or run a more competitive tournament with top-heavy prizes.

WPN Policy Updates

With this announcement also comes an update regarding our policies for WPN stores. We have seen success from policies put in place over the last couple years, and will be continuing the following policies for the WPN:

  • Week-long Prerelease

  • At-Home Prerelease

  • Hosting private events (as long as the event doesn't have a scheduling limit, such as Store Championship or Game Day)

  • WPN retailers can offer online sales and are welcome to ship products for delivery during the week of Prerelease.

Three of our pandemic-related policies will no longer be in effect, beginning with The Brothers' War Prerelease:

  • Promo packs will no longer be allowed to be used as sales incentives—they must only be play incentives.

  • The Buy-a-Box promo can no longer be provided with online sales—you may only pass them out for purchases made in-store.

  • Buy-a-Box promos can only be used for sales of full displays of Draft, Set, Collector, and Jumpstart boosters. The Buy-a-Box promo will no longer apply to the purchase of 6 Prerelease Packs.

We are also making one small update to the Surplus Promo Policy: unless otherwise stated, you are free to use surplus promos as you would Promo Packs once the next Standard set has been released. Surplus Promos cannot be used for Premier Play events.

Communicate these updates to your staff as needed and keep them top of mind as you plan and schedule your events.

This change to Prerelease Early Sales may make The Brothers' War your biggest Prerelease yet. Make sure you schedule your events early to turn this into a can't-miss experience for your players!

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