Oct 2, 2023
WPN Premium stores can receive incredible promos for submitting their Point of Sale data on time and accurately.
Oct 2, 2023
WPN Premium stores can receive incredible promos for submitting their Point of Sale data on time and accurately.
Editor's Note: WPN Premium stores will no longer need to submit point-of-sale data as part of the Path to WPN Premium process or after achieving a designation starting January 1, 2024. Previously announced WPN Premium point-of-sale promos will still be distributed to WPN Premium stores. Please read our announcement article for full details.
Achieving WPN Premium often marks a new chapter for many game stores—you enjoy the benefits of being a premium game store location for your community, which include exclusive product and event offerings. Starting in Q3 2023, WPN Premium locations will be eligible for a new benefit: 20 copies of a new promo each quarter, with art featuring characters enjoying Magic at a local game store.
Additionally, if your submissions are on time and accurate each month for the quarter, we'll be sending 7 additional promos in your shipment each quarter. These 7 additional promos feature showcase treatments that may be familiar to you and your community, their designs rotating on an annual basis.
For stores who submit timely and accurate Point of Sale data all year long, that means you'll receive a total of 108 extra promos as a gift from us to support and grow your community or sell outright—the choice is yours to use these in the way that best benefits you and your players!
At GAMA Expo 2023, we showed art for two of the quarterly promos; today, we'll show off the full suite of quarterly promos as well as the first annually rotating promo design.
As a gift for submitting your Point of Sale data to us each month for the quarter, you'll receive 20 copies of each promo, sent on a quarterly basis, starting with Q3 2023. The promos will be sent out in color order around the color pie, starting with Serra Angel.
Keep in mind that each promo sent in the quarter listed below will be based on data sent from the previous quarter (e.g. Q4 2023 promo Serra Angel will be sent based on data submissions from Q3 2023). The full schedule of promos is as follows:
We recommend using each promo to build up your community, using them as incredible prizes for in-store or repeat in-store play. You may sell them outright if you wish, as well, or even use them to reward staff or players that go above and beyond to support your Magic community.
In addition to the quarterly character promos above, we'll be sending a special promo to stores who submit their POS data on time and accurately, featuring one of our Showcase treatments. Stores will receive 7 copies of this promo each quarter you submit POS data on time and accurately.
These promos may also be used in the same manner as your quarterly Point of Sale promos—as play incentives, sales incentives, or to be sold outright if desired. The design on this promo will rotate once a year, and for the first year, we will be sending a neon yellow Cosmium Ink Cavern of Souls.
Be sure to let your community know that this is the only way they can get their hands on a copy of the neon yellow Cosmium Ink Cavern of Souls!
These special promos are new additions to a full suite of incredible benefits available to WPN Premium retailers, which includes complimentary storage items offered quarterly, increased product and promo allocations, and access to hosting special WPN Premium Preview Events for select set releases.
If you aren't WPN Premium yet but are interested in starting your store on the Path to WPN Premium, all the information you need can be found on our WPN Premium Hub.